Beach Running
A Chatty Flight
January 3, 2012 exercise

30:20 – 3 miles

Beach RunningEven when I travel for work, I find time to get in a run. In fact, many times it’s the activity I most look forward to. Depending on time of year and schedule, there is even a chance to run outside. It’s an opportunity to see a part of a city that you won’t get to experience from the hotel bar. There is also the adventure of seeing how a new climate, whether it be altitude or humidity, impacts a run.

It never ceases to amaze me how quickly you can connect with someone when talking about running. On my flight, I was contently reading the latest issue of Runner’s World. I glanced to my left and noticed that the lady next to me was doing the same. I asked if she was a runner and she said that she ran her first marathon 2 months ago. It was great to hear her story of going from a 5k to a full marathon. No reason to do it except to challenge herself. Originally she was going to run the half marathon, but through training, she decided since she could do a 14 mile training run, why not keep going?

These stories get me psyched! Hearing about people who are willing to push their limits and see what’s around the corner. If you have ever done this, you’re nodding your head and smiling right now. That’s what I did when the lady said “I’ve gone 14 so why not keep going?” Those that have completed a marathon know that after 14 is where it gets “interesting.” That’s when you start really testing the mind/body team and becoming the coach that gets them working as one.

In my consulting work, I find businesses that are hesitant to take risks. Things may be going well, so let’s not rock the boat. Maybe things aren’t going well and the leadership can no longer ignore the facts. Even then, they feel they have one shot to do something. Trying something new is outside of their comfort zone and puts trust in someone that may be an unknown. Those willing to take calculated risks end up being successful while the hesitant is left losing traction. A business is like running, it has to be willing to try a few new things, test the waters, find the limits, and push through them to create new opportunity.

Unless you are willing to push past those limits, you won’t get to have the experience others are enjoying. Become a curious adventurer and find those limits … then crush them!

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