Night Training on the Treadmill
December 29, 2011 motivation

1:03:00 – 6.5 miles

When things aren’t working, it’s time to step back and look for the root cause. Normally, I’m an early morning runner. I’m up at 4a and head to the gym for the treadmill or hit the pavement. For the past 3 week however, that hasn’t been working. My body kept saying to sleep until the sun rises. That’s a tough conversation to win in the morning before the birds are even awake. I knew it was time to take a re-look at the plan.

Currently, running during the day doesn’t work for me due to a new job. That may change in about 6 months, but for now, no running between 7a – 5p. Weekends are challenging as I want to make up the time that I was at work to be with the family. That leaves the evenings. Kids are generally in bed by 8p and wife falls asleep around the same time. I would fall asleep by 7p if my full time job was caring for 4 kids all day!

So last night I decided to give it a whirl. Over the weekend I had used the treadmill as a workbench to build and stain bookshelves. That added a nice challenge of running while inhaling polyurethane. There was no excuse that was going to stop me from getting on the treadmill for at least an hour. I was on my way and spent the first 5 minutes flipping through channels looking for something to settle into. It ended up being the last half of Adam Sandler’s Waterboy. Not the most high speed movie, but enough to make me smile and move along.

Overall, I would say I didn’t mind running at night. It definitely will present it’s share of challenges over the next few weeks with energy draining possibilities from the day. The great part about it is that there’s no stress of needing to be somewhere following the run. I’m already home and no work until the next day. I have access to hundreds of tv channels so I should be able to just go and go.

No matter what, I have a goal in my head and I am going to hit it.

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