1:05:40 – 4.75 miles (incline training)
People say that life is an uphill battle. They look at a big change coming and say it’s all uphill. If going up a hill is used commonly for challenges, then what did Neil Armstrong say when they asked him to leave the planet? You either accept the challenge or walk away. Rarely do we hear about the ones that walk away because they missed the opportunity to make a change.
For those that want to make a change: surround yourself with those that like to tackle hills. If you want to run more, make friends with those that run farther. They will be a great resource for training tips, nutrition, and motivation. Share your goals with people … no matter how crazy they sound! The first time you say it will sound strange to you. That just means you’ve found a good goal to reach for! If you state a goal outloud for the first time and it doesn’t make you feel a little uncomfortable, then you are settling. Find a bigger hill.
Maybe instead of measuring the incline of the hill, we should just take bigger steps. Everything to an ant looks like a hill, but they still move forward up the hill to reach their goal. The ants have a plan and work together to hit their goal. They could go it alone, but that will just make the journey harder and longer. When the military storms a hill, they don’t send one person. They send everyone.
Change your perception of what a hill is. What’s the difference between a hill or a mountain? Yes, United States Geological Survey (USGS) defines a mountain as being taller then 1,000 feet. What it doesn’t define is how fast of a climb it is to the top. This is where creative solutions can come in handy:
Look at the hills and mountains in your life differently and attack each of them in their own way. Evaluate the landscape, look for large rocks in the way, and then run for the top.
Eyes ahead, focused on the goal, and move forward. No matter what the terrain.