Pre Race Meals
September 29, 2011 diet

1:16:10 – 7 miles

We all like our comfort zone. It’s natural to find ways to get into a routine. Whether it be with work, school, or just getting out of bed in the morning, we find comforting things to keep us going.

Runners are the same. We map out what we’ll eat before a race, how much water we’ll drink, when our last trip to the bathroom will be, and then hope we trained enough to make it from start to finish. Everyone is different and nobody is the same. Before the day of a race, runners experiment with pre race food using themselves as the guinea pigs.

For me I normally have 2 pieces of toast with honey and a cup of tea. )Reading that back I sound very English and proper) The theory is to get in a good amount of carbs that will slow burn while you take on the first few miles. All has been good doing this for me, but wanted to see if it could be better. I read a post by Dean Karnazes that he eats yogurt and granola before a race. What’s interesting is that is what I eat after a long run.

This morning I decided to give it a shot. About an hour before running (because it takes me an hour to get to the office where the treadmill is) I downed a bowl of yogurt and granola. 4 miles into the run I didn’t have a need to eat and felt like there was plenty left in the tank. Made sure there was plenty of water flowing and all seems good. Now with any experiment, you can’t go on one attempt. There will be more …

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