Energy Drain
August 25, 2011 motivation

They joy of having your own consulting company is that it’s feast or famine. Due to everything else going on in my life, I can go weeks without thinking about my company. Then, out of nowhere, 4 new clients call with requests. 2 were ready to move quickly and 2 were asking for pricing to make a decision.

I’m sure you’re thinking: what the hell’s the problem? People want to give you money and you’re complaining?

Right, but my flying Delorean time machine is in the shop for repairs.
Time Machine

Balancing family (wife & 4 kids), day job, commuting 2.5 hours a day, consulting job, and running ultra marathons takes up a few hours a week. Add on top of that the other amibtious goals I have (write a book, complete the Leadville 100 mile trail run, raise money for American Cancer Society, etc) and the weight of the world starts to pile on.

How does one deal with pressure like this?

Normally, I would go to Jamba Juice or go for a long run, but neither seem to be of interest at the moment. What I am going to do, is make a list of what needs to be done. From there, just assigning them to days and times. That’s all I can do. Control what you can control. If I can’t control it, moving it to a list all of it’s own.

Lunch with a running friend today will help as well!

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