Blah Run
July 20, 2010 Thoughts on the Run

41:00 – 4 miles

Blah. That’s how I felt when I woke up this morning. My thought: “Not again.”

Yesterday I had the same issue. Low energy and lack of motivation for all things. Not sure if I’m sick or on the edge of it.

Spent the first 3.5 miles going pretty well at my new faster pace. Even tossed in 2 x 800s for fun. Just ran out of energy.

It’s an interesting situation wanting to run ultramarathons. I realize that I have a wife, 4 kids, day job, my own consulting company so time to do anything I want or enjoy is limited. Training for even a marathon requires a commitment of 5 – 6 hours a week of running plus more hours for cross training. We are talking about a part time job here!

Yet, I enjoy it. Running gives me time to slow down the brain. Nobody is interrupting me, calling me, I’m not looking at email, and I have time to think. It is my vacation.

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