3:00:00 – 16 miles
Everything I did over the past 24 hours was to ensure a good run this morning. I had pasta for lunch, hot dogs for dinner (no, not a good plan), and water water water. Woke up at 3:30a excited to go run like it was a race day! Things went as I expected and I had to continually check myself to not run faster or push it harder then I should. Those runs are for other days of the week … this long run day.
I went into the run knowing I wanted to rehearse a presentation I had for Sunday in front of about 100 people. The presentation was also going to include fielding questions from the audience and knowing I may not have the answers to them. Then there was going to be a vote and then closing remarks by me. I don’t know how much time I spent thinking about it (realistically 20 minutes total over the run) as I don’t know what I was thinking about for 3 hours.
Running amnesia I like to call it.
I finished the run with a great feeling and that is an excellent sign! 28+ miles this week over 3 days of running … efficiency is a great thing!