The Long Run
April 11, 2009 Thoughts on the Run

03:42:00 – 20 miles

I have always heard if people hitting a wall when running long distance. I now know what that feels like. All was well until mike 17 when my body turned against me. No mind trick was working. I couldn’t find any distractions. Body was starting to just shut down. It was odd as I didn’t really feel tired and not even completely bored. In fact, I was pretty excited that I only had 3 miles left. As I started thinking back, this happens in almost all of my runs. Whether it be a 5, 10, or 20 mile run, the last 2-3 miles becomes the most difficult. So is this mental? How can I beat it?

Then of course, this made me think about the real world and how we can shut down in everday challenges or walls we hit. The easiest thing to do is to just stop and go sit down. What a boring and unfullfilling thought. Find ways around the walls and solutions to get past the finish line. Afterall, it’s not just about getting to the finish line, but the choices and relationships madealong the way.

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