I am currently in Atlanta watching the weather to determine if a tornado will hit. I have been stuck in two tornados in the past year. Those experiences educated me on what conditions need to be present for a tornado to touch down. None of those were present tonight as we went into a restaraunt. So, me having the sense of humor I have, started making jokes. The first was to the hostess asking if we could sit on the patio so we could hear the tornado sirens more clearly. Wasn’t found funny. Two out of the three others with me were a bit concerned. Didn’t matter what I said … couldn’t crack a smile. Normally I would take this on as a challenge, but brain too tired from talking all day. So I went into my silent comedian mode … this is when I make jokes and comments in and not so prominent voice as I was doing a show for myself. Tough crowd.
So now I sit at the hotel bar watching and listening to people be obnoxious and rude. I have moved seats twice amy patience level appears to be at an all time low. First rule at a bar is to be friends with bartender and not treat them like a spill on the floor. Since I started writing thisvi have received a free drink from the bartender. That was after a 2 minute conversation. If people in this world would just stop and acknowledge strangers the world would change. I read a story once that to change the world you have to start in your neighborhood. We appear to be taught “think big” but it has to be more then that. Don’t just think big but think how you can “go big” with small. Picture dominos going in multiple directions that begins with a small simple action. This can be relevant to positive and negative. You get to choose which. Each day. Each moment.