Obama for Change

Obama for Change


46:56 – 5.03 miles

This is an interesting campaign. Watching the speech below is refreshing to hear someone with such charisma, passion, and knowledge of the English language. His message is clear: time for change. While he may not have a detailed layout of how he will accomplish specific objectives, in reality, he doesn’t have that power. The power to create and change laws sits with Congress. What he can do is surround himself with those that want change and who can make enough noise that the American people know how to make an impact.

Simplify the message and connect with what people want at their core.

2 Replies to “Obama for Change”

  1. He's for change all right, he rewrote history by saying that a family member helped liberate Aushwitz. Slight problem as the Russians got there first! If he keeps 'inventing' things like that, he's going to come off as Al Gore 2.0!!!

  2. Has anyone checked out obama's Obama for Change website? Just go to your favorite search engine and type in “obama for change”
    Go to the Obama for change website and click on the “issues” button.
    Unbelievable! He's pandering, and its not pretty.
    From the site:
    “…illegals should be deported…”, “…national heatlh care is not the answer…”

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