Burned Out On The Job?
May 19, 2008 Business

Here is an interesting story on CNN.com about signs to determine if you are having a bad day on the job or just burnt out. It is something I have been asking myself with my own company. Business is going well, so why do I continuously get the “don’t care” feeling? Even trying to wrap up the number of clients I have now seems to be frustrating with no clear end in sight.

Here are a couple of signs listed in the story that can signal you are getting burnt out on your job:

• Your professional relationships don’t matter anymore
If the breakroom chats and hallway conversations with your colleagues went from fun diversions to nonexistent, your heart is obviously not in the job anymore.

• The quality of your work isn’t want it used to be
When you’re disillusioned with your job, you’re not going to perform to your best abilities. Maybe you don’t notice the drop in quality or maybe you do notice but just don’t care.

• Your’re no longer goal-oriented
When your motivation is getting to the end of the day instead of getting that new job title, something’s not right.

It is an interesting situation to be in. The first step is to realize you are in the situation. The second is to make a plan. I have found the challenge in being patient for the plan to come to realization. Although the saying is “good things come to those who wait,” I am determined to find a way to speed up the time to getting to those “good things.”

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