Spent the day at an American Marketing Association conference named “Data to Decision.” Anyone that knows me is aware that I can’t sit in a chair focused on one thing for more then 38 minutes. Today, there were some definite parts that held my attention.
There was much discussion and case studies on how to gather relevant data in regards to creating unbiased surveys, selecting customer feedback panels, and connecting with key players to understand what the question they want answered is.
Apparently I am a data junkie who loves this stuff! I seriously could spend all day digging through data and providing analysis.
This is a key by the way. Analysis versus data. Anyone can take an Excel spreadsheet and total the number of visits to a website. It takes analysis and looking for trends/insights to make the data valuable. Once you have these insights, tactical plans can be formulated and executed.
Then, there is more data to gather in analyzing the results of the tactics which starts the cycle all over again.