Marines Not Welcome in Berkley, CA
February 8, 2008 Baseball

CNN reports that protesters and citizens are boycotting the Marines while trying to force the recruiters out of town.

Not sure where to start here. Is this like saying if you wanted baseball to stop, you would protest the hot dog vendors? Forcing Marine recruiters out of the city is not going to stop a war. You can disagree with what the government is doing with our soldiers and where they are being sent, but blocking a Marine recruiting office probably won’t help your cause. If anything, these protesters will quickly be labeled ‘un-American’ and plenty of other names not repeatable here.

At some point people have to take responsibility. If we are concerned with youth being sent overseas to be killed, maybe we should educate the youth. Get the youth involved in politics. Have them understand what is happening in the world. Watching the news is not the answer as we have all witnessed, the entire story does not come from your evening news. Research, pay attention, and ask questions.

If you want to make a change, vote for a new President, write to your government officials, create awareness … learn.

"3" Comments
  1. It seems that some pansy mayor in Ohio has done nearly the same thing. He told a reserve unit that was coming to town to perform some exercises that they “scare people” and told them they weren’t welcome. The Marines obliged him and went home. While I disagree with their leaving, I’m glad they did. I’m sure the town would have experienced a minor boost in their sales while they were in attendance. I hope he never needs their help. The Marines are too good for him!!

  2. Pingback: sure marine

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