Work From Home

Work From Home


I have actually worked from home for a company or two in my day. There are many companies out there looking for people to work from home, but there is a high demand for these positions.

Some of the benefits include:
– Nobody standing over your shoulder
– No sitting in traffic
– Save on gas
– Tax deductions for part of your house, utilities, internet, phone, computer, coffee
– Eat lunch with your family
– Reduce stress
– Increase productivity

Some of the challenges include:
– You need to be self-disciplined
– No office social interaction
– Hard to separate work from home
– Technology

The company I first worked from home for was Alpine Access. This company is a virtual call center for companies like 1-800-Flowers, Office Depot, and credit card companies. All I had to do was startup the software on my computer and call into a phone number and I was at work. It was busy, but I was in my house and when I was done with my shift, I was already home and able to start enjoying family time immediately. It was challenging that there are distractions in the house. If family or kids are home, you almost need a soundproof room when the playing gets loud.

Another company I have (and currently) work for is 720x. This company is all virtual and made up of designers and programmers that develop websites, software, and marketing campaigns. It’s fun because we ‘get together’ online through Instant Messenger. You have to a certain personality and mindset to be able to operate successfully in this environment, but when the right people are involved, it is a great time! The business model allows for clients to be anywhere in the world. I can travel with family and as long as I still have access to the internet, I can be working.

The more I work the more I get paid. I think there is the myth that if you work from home that you get paid to sit around in your pajamas. Those jobs either don’t exist or don’t last long. Unless you are running your own company, someone is not going to pay you for not producing revenue or contributing to the success of the company. First determine if you have the self-discipline to work at home, and then find the right company to work with.

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