Why is it so hard to find a kindergarten?

Why is it so hard to find a kindergarten?


Just went and toured a charter school with my wife. The school has everything we are looking for … they teach differentiation style (teach kids at their level), build character, include art/music/sports, and an interactive environment. Now the hard part is getting in. We live out of district which means it will come down to a lottery. There are still a few other schools, either charter or gifted, that we are going to look at, but I would say the one today is at the top of our list. Across the street from our house is a public school, however, as with many schools across the nation, the classrooms are crowded.

Where I grew up in Maine, there was only 2 choices: public school or catholic school. The catholic school cost money which pretty much took it out of the picture. Public school was fine, but I was definitely bored. I see this happening with our 4 year old, Ian. Not many 4 year olds are able to do 300 piece puzzles, play a drum solo, and write several words on their own. Seeing as we have options, why not explore them?

At least we will be well prepared when it comes time to look for colleges.

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