Discovery Back On Earth
Still something awesome about hearing the sonic boom of the space shuttle as it passes through the Earth's atmosphere on its way to landing in Florida just minutes ago. Then to hear it traveled 6.2…
Still something awesome about hearing the sonic boom of the space shuttle as it passes through the Earth's atmosphere on its way to landing in Florida just minutes ago. Then to hear it traveled 6.2…
What was originally set to be a 90 day lifespan just received its 5th life-extension. NASA has extended the Mars Rover's mission to 2009 to allow for additional exploration of the red planet.
Need driving directions? Stop at a gas station, but instead of going inside and trusting the person behind the counter, go to the pump. Google is partnering with some gas stations to provide a screen…
Space shuttle Discovery is on track to land today at Kennedy Space Center in Florida. First opportunity is 1:02 p.m. EST which would put the first maneuver at 11:59 a.m. Next opportunity would be around…
Being the space-dork I am, I was excited to see the discovery of another solar system that has at least 5 planets orbiting around a star. The solar system is 41 light-years away and produces…
I'm confused, why does the Wall Street Journal charge for an online subscription? And who is paying this? Even CNN attempted to do this online for awhile and realized that it was futile. The Washington…
Have we become complacent again to the rising price of gas? With the holidays approaching, we know that the price per gallon is going to surpass $3 easily. Currently in Colorado, gas prices are hovering…
One person (Howard) posted a comment wanting to see countries collaborate together in an effort to explore space deeper. It is coming and being titled Space 3.0 (I love it when marketing and space mix!).…