Running the Mountain

Define Your Own Top


Throughout life people are telling you to do things to be successful. In school it's do the work to get the good grades so you can get into college. Then into a job it's the…

Fight Cancer and Enter Drawing


I am running 100 miles in 1 day to raise $10,000 for the American Cancer Society. Donate! The great people at Zensah Compression Apparel, Go Sport ID, and Road Runner Sports have put together a…

Running With Cash

Cash on the Run – My Running Secret


We all have reasons for what drives us. For some it's money to make a better life for them and those around them. For others, it's the desire to win or achievement of a dream.…

Denver Broncos Tim Tebow Defeat the Steelers

Denver Broncos Show Hard is Just a Word


1:00:00 - 5.5 miles If it's not hard, then you're doing it wrong. I read this quote in a running book about 3 years ago and it still resonates with me today. What does it…

Beach Running

A Chatty Flight


30:20 - 3 miles Even when I travel for work, I find time to get in a run. In fact, many times it's the activity I most look forward to. Depending on time of year…

Who Has the Runs?


I was fortunate to be interviewed by the good people at Who Has The Runs. Here is the link to the full article: Alex R has the runs: He may not be fast, but he…

Night Training on the Treadmill


1:03:00 - 6.5 miles When things aren't working, it's time to step back and look for the root cause. Normally, I'm an early morning runner. I'm up at 4a and head to the gym for…

Writing A Book

My Non-Writing Strategy


It has been a week since writing here, there, or anywhere. Not just this site, but the number of emails and the attention to my book has been sparse. Normally when I take time away…