Manager or Friend?


Been about a week since writing and there are many reasons for that. Aside from chasing kids, finishing a basement, working on 6 websites while bringing in new customers for my business, and looking for…

Obama Has the Momentum & PR


With the results of the Iowa caucuses clearly showing Barack Obama being the choice of Democrat voters, the momentum is on his side. Coming off a 38% of the vote with John Edwards closet to…

Huckabee for President?


While I am the first to admit I do not know a great detail of the background of Presidential candidate Mike Huckabee, my guess is that if history has anything to say, he has a…

Goals & Thoughts for 2008


With it being the start of a new year, I haven't really made too many changes, but more enhancements to existing goals. 1) Exercise. While cliche, it is something that I want to do more…

Kids Are Adults in Little Bodies


I watched a news report last night about a 3 year old pulling an 80lb tv on top of them. Granted, I was forced to watch this new story by the persuasion of my wife…