Faster is not easier
1:02:00 - 6 miles Running faster is not easier ... even just the slightest increase in pace seems to exhaust me these days so I need to re-think my strategy here. Will get in one…
1:02:00 - 6 miles Running faster is not easier ... even just the slightest increase in pace seems to exhaust me these days so I need to re-think my strategy here. Will get in one…
57:20 - 6 miles Pushing the pace and feeling like I'm doing an actual workout now when I run. Before, it was a nice casual run that got my heart rate going, but didn't make…
37:42 - 4 miles (3 x 800s) Yes, speed work 2 days after a half marathon. I'm not good at listening to experts.
02:06:33 - 13.1 Miles A beautiful day for a run! Arriving for the race, I was completely relaxed, chatting with complete strangers, and ready to push myself harder then any long distance run I had…
38:27 - 4 miles Ran with no iPod today just to see. I really didn't think about much except running, which tells me I'm starting to move faster. The question will be, how long can…
27:32 - 3 miles 2 x 800 This was the first time I have worked in speed training ... it feels awesome! For one, looking down at the treadmill and seeing 7.1 for the speed…
59:40 - 6 miles I'm pushing myself harder and at the same time feeling myself getting sick from it. So back to the nutrition piece and trying to figure out how to combat this. More…