Are The Elections Rigged?
Many Americans believe that there vote in a Presidential election does not count. Take the Bush-Gore chads issue. Plenty of conspiracy theorist point to how Bush was not concerned about the counting as he 'knew'…
Many Americans believe that there vote in a Presidential election does not count. Take the Bush-Gore chads issue. Plenty of conspiracy theorist point to how Bush was not concerned about the counting as he 'knew'…
There has been a great deal of debate on whether or not the military should torture and what classifies as actual torture. My immediate response is do whatever the hell you have to do to…
As I wrote in a previous post about MLB players calling their lawyers, do you think they waited until the list came out? Roger Clemens found an attorney quite quickly ... From website: After…
It is amazing and impressive to me how tv shows can tie in current situations and issues. Boston Legal is one such show that has excellent intellectual banter and sarcasm. This week's Boston Legal touched…
Here is a story from CNN about Sen. Hillary Clinton apologizing to rival Sen. Barack Obama for an adviser's comment that Obama's admission of past drug use would hurt his chances in a general election…
A former Senator is getting ready to post a list of pro athletes that have used steroids. This will pretty much ruin the athletes' legacy and careers. Rightfully so mind you. Imagine being an athlete…
Ex-NFL star Michael Vick sentenced to 23 months in prison for his role in a dogfighting conspiracy. Let's see how much time he actually spends in jail. It appears that this case has had more…
EzineBlog.ORG is a fun site that talks about everything from science to sports. They are ranked in Technorati Top 100 and have a Google Page Rank of 5. If you review their blog, they’ll link…