Category: Business
Afternoon Run
55:00 - 5 miles I went to the gym in the afternoon due to a full morning of work and doctor appointments. Here is what I have concluded while running on the treadmill this afternoon:…
TV and Running
45:00 - 4 miles Today added some speed intervals to the run and it kicked my butt ... had to do some walking to take the heart rate down or it might have exploded. Saw…
Run into the New Year
1:00:00 - 5.6 miles Last week I logged just over 15 miles of running and want to get that up to at least 20. The challenge is that I have lots of new things starting…
Starting a Race
34 minutes I have started to gather interest in creating an annual half marathon here in the Frederick/Firestone area. Both mayors are onboard with the idea and then next step would be to pick a…
Managing a Race
40:00 - 4 miles I had an idea out on the run today. Why not start and run a Half Marathon for Frederick, Firestone, Dacono? So I have sent off an email to the mayor…
Next Steps
I spent last week in San Diego running a conference. My one goal for the week was to take a 1 hour break and sit in a hot tub. That didn't happen. From the moment…