Windy Wednesday Run

Don’t Just Get By


This morning was what I'm calling my Windy Wednesday run. Why's that? Because it was WINDY! 35mph winds blowing across the reservoir and pushing with all its might. Let's just say it was great cross-training…

Going on the closed road

Go Down the Closed Road


In the week following an event, whether it be marathon or ultramarathon, I often find myself in interesting conversations. The audience ranges from runners to non-runners to others that are dipping their toe in the…

My First Ultramarathon Leadville

Complain or Do Something


On a recent 10 mile trail run I was thinking about our society and world. Yup, it's going to be one of those writings. I like to look for patterns in everyday life. Watching the…

Change Your Scenery for a Better View


Everyone gets stuck in a rut at some point. Whether this is running, business, or personal, you may find yourself hitting a wall. Something is standing in your way of getting to where you want…

Follow the Numbers to Success


In the previous post I was complaining about the number of miles I ran in January. While digging deeper into the numbers and realizing a doctor told me not to run half of the month,…

Psych on USA

Psych Out Everyone


I am a big fan of the tv show Psych on the USA Network. It follows Shawn, a sarcastic and lackadaisical guy with the gift of a photographic memory. He uses this skill combined with…

Sitting on the Sidelines

Sitting on the Sidelines


Whether it be in business or in sports, I have a hard time sitting on the sidelines just watching. I like to jump in and do (or try) whatever action I'm seeing. Granted, me jumping…

Rocky Inspires All

Rocky Applies Everywhere


Each time I watch any of the Rocky movies I get inspired. It's not always inspiration to go out for a run or workout. The movie speaks beyond the athletic world truly speaks to human…