Goals & Thoughts for 2008


With it being the start of a new year, I haven't really made too many changes, but more enhancements to existing goals. 1) Exercise. While cliche, it is something that I want to do more…

Officials Remove Hard Part of Course


25:49 - 1.5 miles (short to help the 3 tons of cookies) The officials for the Colorado Colfax Marathon have made the course easier for 2008. The 2007 race featured a large hill at the…

Media Missing the Stories


I have had several conversations online and offline about the media and what they cover. It appears the media is more interested in Hollywood and what celebrities are doing wrong. In other words, focusing on…

Where is the news coming from?


I read the headlines on my local news website this morning and it read: Several news organizations are reporting Republican presidential candidate and Colorado Congressman Tom Tancredo plans to call it quits in his bid…