720x is back
So I have decided to make a push to grow my consulting company once again. I say 'again' because in the past when things were going really well with 720x, I would run out of…
So I have decided to make a push to grow my consulting company once again. I say 'again' because in the past when things were going really well with 720x, I would run out of…
I read many articles and see books on how people became successful in their business. Is this helpful to me? I don't think so. Yes, I get excited and it makes me want to grow…
I like playing poker online and in-person. If I had to choose which I enjoy more, I would say in-person poker. There are many more elements involved whereas online is more about statistics and pattern…
It is hard to remember that the moon's surface is full of mountains and craters. Much of the traditional imagery we have is of Buzz Aldrin bouncing along the surface or the flat view we…
Maybe the city should build more parking spaces if people are shooting each other over them. In the 2nd shooting of the week, suspects have been arrested in an incident that involved a dispute over…
Jennifer Lopez officially announces she is pregnant. Anyone care? Anyone?
Another recall by toys made in China because it contains the date-rape drug and puts kids into a coma. I think I am going to stop by Home Depot on the way home and pick…
Yes, there is a professional hockey team in Colorado and they play quite well. I really am enjoying the shootout at the end of games to avoid as many games ending in ties. This rule…