Author: Alex
Writers Strike
Here is an interesting thought ... why don't the writers join together and create their own web shows? Believe it or not, they are picking up steam and no longer done in a garage by…
Driving Blog Traffic
It is easy to start a blog, but how do you get people to read it? Seth Godin has listed 56 ways to get you started ... just takes time and some creativity!
Honest Riches Review
An In Depth Review of the Most Sought Out Work at Home more | digg story
3 Year Old Drummer
Drum solo from my son when he was just 3 ... click here.
Text Our Troops
The Department of Defense is doing some good. Click here to fill out a form and send a text message to our troops serving around the world and away from their families this Thanksgiving. Or…
Bonds the Liar
Barry Bonds has been hit with a felony indictment and nobody is surprised. I remember growing and watching baseball players in awe. Now it seems as though that mystery and dream is lost.