CNN Word Cloud


01:33:00 - 9 miles Stepped up the pace and noticing I picked up an extra mile in the same time as last week ... and feeling great! Last night was a Presidential news conference and…

An extra mile


53:00 - 5 miles Well I just looked at my training calendar and I apparently was only supposed to run 4 miles today. Oops. I even stepped up the pace so that I can work…

Long Run


03:05:00 - 16 miles Officially longest distance I have run in my entire life. It as all treadmill and here's why: - Wanted to test fuel - Wanted to be in a safe environment should…

Wounded Vets To Lose Insurance?


44:00 - 4 miles The idea behind this run was to just loosen up from the 9 mile run yesterday and get ready for a 15 mile run on Saturday. With that in mind, this…

Run Octuplet Run


01:41:00 - 9 miles I walked away from the treadmill feeling just fine. Even now, 2 hours later, I'm not hurting or sore like I thought I would be. There was quite a bit thought…

Worst Job: PR at AIG


01:04:00 - 6 miles It is almost becoming fun to run more then an hour ... All the talk, every 15 minutes at least, on the news is focused on AIG and their $165 million…

Late Long Run


01:30:00 - 8 miles Last night around 9p I had everyone in the house asleep and I was not tired. I figured I would end up just being lazy and watching tv. So instead, I…

No TV in the Bar

0 Comments I thought this was an interesting article as it talks about a group of bars in New York that don't believe in having televisions posted inside. This way, patrons of the bar can enjoy…