Unexpected Test Ahead


I have a pretty tight schedule. Between being married, having 4 kids, day job, long-time clients, running, and volunteering ... take a breath ... I'm required to be organized. Now, I'm not organized down to…

Change Your Scenery for a Better View


Everyone gets stuck in a rut at some point. Whether this is running, business, or personal, you may find yourself hitting a wall. Something is standing in your way of getting to where you want…

Follow the Numbers to Success


In the previous post I was complaining about the number of miles I ran in January. While digging deeper into the numbers and realizing a doctor told me not to run half of the month,…

Two For Tuesday


It's a Tuesday, I'm traveling, and I have two things to talk about. 1. Traveling Alone Normally when I travel I have at least one other person with me. On this particular trip to Orlando,…

Psych on USA

Psych Out Everyone


I am a big fan of the tv show Psych on the USA Network. It follows Shawn, a sarcastic and lackadaisical guy with the gift of a photographic memory. He uses this skill combined with…

Leadville Running

Do Something That Scares You


As part of my ongoing experiment to spend less time looking at my phone, I noticed a quote on a sign this morning: Do at least one thing each day that scares you. This follows…

Go Sport ID

In Case You Find Me In A Ditch


With having 4 kids, working during the day, and having 4 kids, running fits in around 4am. That's before most people think about waking up. Where I live doesn't provide the safety of sidewalks, so…