What is a Runner Anyway?


Recently someone called me a runner. They meant it as a compliment, but I was more perplexed at why they thought I was a runner. After all, haven't they seen my posts with how long…

Run To Each Other – Sort of (Video)


Here's a great video from Nike of a guy and girl so in love they run across the country to be together. Well, that's how it starts ... http://youtu.be/iozZTJB2XOw

Frustration Should Drive You Forward


On my 7 mile treadmill run this morning, I wasn't sure what to expect. I did the usual get excited because I get to run this morning pep talk on my drive to the gym.…

2012 Boulder Spring Half Marathon


2:30:16 - 13.1 miles It was a day I kind of dreaded coming. For months I had barely put in more then an hour a time on the treadmill. Almost 2 weeks leading up to…