Wordless Wednesday No. 24
Couldn't get them all in the photo for this Wordless Wednesday, but I had a 30lb child on my back while chasing 3 others. Good training.
Couldn't get them all in the photo for this Wordless Wednesday, but I had a 30lb child on my back while chasing 3 others. Good training.
[caption id="attachment_1944" align="alignleft" width="300"] Marshall Ulrich[/caption]People are brought into our lives for a reason. Whether it be for you to help them or vice versa. In the present we don't always know the reason, but…
Busy week catching up from being out of town last week. That means unpacking, laundry, cleaning, errands, and replying to emails. Here are four things since the last four things ... 1. 17 hours and…
Coming back to Leadville a year after my first ultramarathon to run the same race was pretty important to me. For one, I wanted to make sure it wasn't a complete fluke that I could…
On a recent 10 mile trail run I was thinking about our society and world. Yup, it's going to be one of those writings. I like to look for patterns in everyday life. Watching the…
While traveling and being on vacation with the family, it is hard to narrow it down to just four things ... so here they are! 1. Ice Cream Each day this past week we had…
Worldess Wednesday brought to you by the hills of Ohio. When you see a field, run through it and act like a kid again.