Process of Designing the Cover After An Event

When a major event, good or bad, happens in the world, there is always someone there to capture the details. Paying tribute in a classy and accurate way takes skill. There’s a creative process and a plethora of choices when it comes to the photo, medium, and text used in the presentation.
The team at Runner’s World shared the process of how much work and thought goes into creating the cover for a special issue about Boston. They wondered whether to use actual photos of people from that day, running shoes forming a shape, or groups of people holding signs. Each convey the message in different powerful ways, but still weren’t quite right. They put together several options and put the choice to the staff. Normally, choosing the cover of a major publication would not be done by committee … as you can imagine how long of a process that would be. However, Boston is a race close to many runner’s hearts, so this would be different.
Be sure to check out the full details of the Runner’s World process!