US Spending More on Military Than Rest of the World Combined

US Spending More on Military Than Rest of the World Combined


That can be twisted and spun how you like. It also depends on what you would include in ‘military spending’. The attached report says that China spends $65 billion on military expenses. With military personnel 20+ times the size of the U.S., it is hard to imagine they are only spending that amount. There are debates that the money can be used for health care, end homelessness, and provide more support for public education. While I agree with this, at the same time I don’t want to worry about the bus I’m riding on blowing up. If you have ever been to another country, you’ll know that there is a different mindset and culture on the idea of security.

Global Spending

It does strike me funny that there is such opposition to spending money on the military. If we were to take a look at America’s short history, the country was started by overthrowing a government by military force …

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