Are The Elections Rigged?
Many Americans believe that there vote in a Presidential election does not count. Take the Bush-Gore chads issue. Plenty of conspiracy theorist point to how Bush was not concerned about the counting as he ‘knew’ he would win. Stories and secret fraternities combined with financial backing have led to reduced voter turnout.
I just read a post by the Rolling Stones that talks about Barack Obama being written off by the experts at the start of the campaign, and how Barack Obama is now surging in Iowa – proof that some things in politics are still not rigged. Many debate that he has no experience at this level of office … but has ‘experience’ really helped over the past 8 years?
Marketing/PR Approach
Obama’s response to the lack of experience question should be that he has strong morals, ethics, and education to make the right decision. History has shown us the best leaders are those that can make quick and educated judgements. Presidents are rarely served the same crisis or situation twice, so previous experience, while helpful, not always useful. Being able to understand the big picture and how decisions made will impact the global and domestic economics, represent and lead the country, and be an effective listener. Go the character and empathetic route. The country needs healing from the past 8 years.
We all love a great underdog story … maybe we should elect one.