New Year’s Resolutioners Need Friends

I generally avoid the gym in January. This year has been very difficult to do that due to the cold temps outside. I really like my gym as it is spacious with plenty of treadmills and bikes to access. The other equipment I like, rock wall & weights, not exactly easy to get to in January.
It is the invasion of the New Year’s Resolution Crowd.
First off, that is great that you have a goal. In fact, I am all for it and encourage the act! However, there needs to be some effort on your part for me to have empathy. No, I’m not Jillian Michaels, but you do need to have a plan. Just walking into a gym will not cause you to lose weight. No matter what the sales rep said.
First Tip: Unplug
Do you really need your phone out? I hear you now … “but Alex, I need music to get motivated!” Awesome. Great. Fantastic. But do you need to hand select a new song after one is done? Probably not, so hit play and go with the flow.
This past weekend my kids insisted we go to the gym … yes, my kids are awesome. While I was running for an hour on the treadmill, I had 6 people at some point get on the treadmill next to me and within minutes were staring at their phone. The lady on the bike behind me staring at her phone pedaled slower than my 4 year old. Granted, my 4 year old has some speed on her.
Second Tip: Get a friend
Way ahead of you … “but Alex, all my friends think I’m crazy for exercising!” Then take a class with strangers. They probably are in the same boat that have no friends. Soon enough, they become your friends because you have common goals. Those old friends? They’re still sitting on the couch or complaining how hard blah blah blah is.
Third Tip: Move!
Whether your goal is to lose weight, train for a race, or be healthy, just freaking move! Taking the stairs wherever you go, park farther from the door, do sit-ups during commercials. It does not have to be complicated!
So to recap … yeah that you made a New Year’s Resolution, boo if you’re already giving up, and don’t sit still.
For those at my gym, if you have a phone out and are on equipment, someone might be pushing you off.
Good news for me, you won’t see it coming.