Eli Young Band and Rascal Flatts

Fantastic Four Things Friday – Week Recap No. 29

Fantastic Four Things Friday – Week Recap No. 29


Eli Young Band and Rascal Flatts

This week went by in a blur! Sometimes it is hard to stop and remember the good things that are happening in life. Here are four fantastic things that I came up with for this Friday.

1. Rascal Flatts, Little Big Town, Eli Young Band, Edens Edge
Back in May I bought tickets for row 2 of the Rascal Flatts concert for Tanya. They are her favorite band so I decided to splurge. There was a time when I would like to buy “stuff”. In my old age (hahaha) I’ve learned that life is more about experiences. I don’t think she realized just how close to the band we where going to be:
Eli Young Band and Rascal Flatts

2. Dog to work
With kids in school and Tanya back to teaching, my dog just sits home. Fortunately I work at a company where dogs are welcome! There was no question he would have a good time. The real question was around whether I would get anything done. Which I did.
Dog at work

3. Scouts Around the Lake
My son is in Weblos Scouts and this week they are working on their outdoors requirement. One of those requirements was to go on a hike and identify plants, trees, and animals. I remember the day when I used to know all of this from being in Boy Scouts. It is nice to re-learn many things through kids! Anytime you get a group of boys together with that much energy there is bound to be an adventure. Needless to say, with the noise they were making, they didn’t see any animals.

4. Son joins the running club
I absolutely did not suggest or encourage this! Okay, well not directly. It is another example of how kids watch what adults do and the choices we make are seen, and emulated, by those around us. His running club will participate in a 5k at the end of October. I’m sure you’ll see photos of that on here.

Up for next week I see already: birthday parties, running, and more! Keep it fun and keep it moving forward!

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