Fantastic Four Things Friday – Week Recap No. 4
Another week has passed with ups and downs. This post is all about the ups that in the end overshadow the downs.
1. Moving onto state tournament
My son’s Odessy of the Mind team placed 2nd at Regionals and is moving onto the Odessy of the Mind State Tournament next month. I remember being in Odessy of the Mind in middle school and really feeling in my element. My son did so well in the performance section that I couldn’t be more proud!
2. I survived Chuck E Cheese
I really think they should make a t-shirt that says that. In celebrating the Odessy of the Mind accomplishment and excellent report cards, we took the kids for a night of pizza and games to Chuck E Cheese. They had a great time and racked up quite the number of tickets. I must say that I had quite a bit of fun playing games as well. Made me think of growing up and spending time at the arcade. Do they still have arcades?
3. iPad 3 in the house
As I have been traveling a lot for work the past couple of months, I surprised my wife with an iPad 3. She had been eyeing my iPad 2 for quite some time and quite honestly, she will probably use it more then me. She’s already installed the Kindle app and checked out books from the library. Plus, if one of the 4 kids needs a distraction the iPad is quite handy.
4. Back to the gym
Across the sidewalk from the office I work in is a great gym called Pura Vida. It’s in the middle of Cherry Creek which means it can be pretty pricey. For some reason, I can’t roll out of bed, put on sneakers, and head right out the door. Driving to a gym works much better for me. I think I need the wake up and energizing time of the drive. As nobody really knows, when I drive by myself, I sing a lot. A lot. Getting back to the gym has been really good for me … 3 hours on the treadmill and trail run planned tomorrow. I’ll probably take it easy next week before the first half marathon of the year. Just feels good to be moving again!
What is Odessy of the Mind? Maybe I should google this…sounds like a great week! And awesome surprise for your wife!!
Odessy of the Mind is like sports for the brain. You work on a team and have to complete a challenge like build a 10 inch high structure and see how much weight it can handle while performing an 8 minute play you wrote and built the set for.
Oh, wow! That’s cool and awesome for him and his team!