In Case You Find Me In A Ditch

With having 4 kids, working during the day, and having 4 kids, running fits in around 4am. That’s before most people think about waking up. Where I live doesn’t provide the safety of sidewalks, so I’m generally on the medium. When I can see far enough ahead, I run down the middle. Why not?
The cars are generally respectful of me on the side of the road, but there is always the chance that someone is not fully awake yet. On a 10 mile run, I had quite a bit of time to think about that scenario. If I was to be bumped off the road and into the ditch, how would someone know who I am? Sometimes I run with my phone, but even then, there is a chance that gets lost or broken.
Shortly after I found a company that makes ID bracelets for runners called Go Sport ID. As many of you know, I’m a fan of The Biggest Loser, so seeing that one of the winners from that show wears this made me happy!
A Go Sport ID had a stainless steel plate that is held in place on a silicon band. You can get the band in a variety of colors and they are really easy to change out. It is comfortable and I actually wear mine everyday! Probably every 3-4 weeks I change the color of the band … whatever my mood.
But here’s the important part: you have your emergency contact information engraved on the stainless steel plate. You can have it placed on the back of the plate so that weirdos in the coffee shop don’t learn too much about you. You can also have the front of the plate engraved. Most personalize it with a mantra, quote, or saying that they want to be reminded of. It’s away of pushing past a difficult moment in a workout or just need a moment.
For my quote, my Go Sport ID is engraved:
Redefine Everything.
Move Forward.
It reminds me that everything can be looked at more then one way. People tell me that I run “far” because I run marathons and ultramarathons. It wasn’t always that way. I still remember showing up for my first half marathon thinking that it was crazy. The distance seemed so foreign to me. We often find words or excuses to define things we have not experienced. My quote helps me to remember we all define challenges differently.
Once you have identified the challenge, it’s time to make a plan and move forward. I do stop every once and awhile to look at how far I’ve come. It’s an important step in the moving forward process. Otherwise, you’re just moving and not knowing if you are going forward.
So if you don’t have a Go Sport ID, get one! Aside from the safety and comfort factors, it is a great way to a quote and remind yourself that you can do anything.
Hahaha, weirdos in the coffee shop! Â Yes! Love the dual purpose of inspiring the wearer and having emergency information just in case!
If you still have space on it, I highly suggest putting your blood type on there in addition to the emergency contact info. Unfortunately, chances are when it’s truly needed, first responders are going to need blood type.