Nuggets Game and Walking

Nuggets Game and Walking


41:22 – 4.03 miles

Last night went to a Denver Nuggets basketball game with the family. Kids had a good time and really enjoyed the music and people.

Family at the Nuggets Game

No matter where we go, our kids have a way of making new friends. Whether it be the waitress, the people in front of us, and on the side of us, and behind us … we get to meet new people 🙂

The half time show was pretty powerful … it was the United States Marine Corps Silent Drill. This division performs an awesome routine of marches, rifle moves, and even some behind that back throws that are incredible.

USMC Silent Drill team

and at the game we are declaring that Kirsten learned how to walk as she was going up and down the aisle on her own.

Kirsten walks at the Nuggets game

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