Five Things You Didn’t Know Satellites Are Doing

Five Things You Didn’t Know Satellites Are Doing


Just read an interesting article touching on 5 things satellites are being used for these days. My favorite on the list is probably number 2:

2. Tracking cows

The Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority will use Global Positioning System-enabled collars to track the movements and eating habits of a herd of fifty cows. The idea of satellite tracking animals is nothing new, but it’s normally for animals that move around just a little bit more in environments a little more challenging than the scenic Yorkshire dales.. Whoever went all the way to “use space technology” to answer the question “What do cows eat?” missed a few simple steps including:

a) Walk over to the cows
b) Look at what the cows are eating
c) Identify this strange green bladed plant that seems to grow everywhere, underneath the sky which is blue.

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