Thoughts on the Run

Thoughts on the Run


6.25 miles — 1:11:08

Today was the first time in as long as I can remember that I went out running at 6am. As I run, I have these ideas pop into my head about a new business to start or how to expand my existing company. The challenge is that I don’t run with a notebook and pen handy. It would be a little difficult to read my handwriting while running along a road that has no sidewalks. This idea came at mile marker 5 today and I happened to remember it and this domain was available. It is my goal to write here some of the ideas and thoughts I have while out running. There may be days when the thoughts are scattered and other days when they are very focused. Whether they provide any interest to anyone other then me would be a shock, but it is a way for me to get some thoughts out there. Maybe I can look back and generate additional ideas from this venture and see where the road leads from there.

Yes, I have many more running analogies to come I am sure …

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