Fantastic Four Things Friday – Week Recap No. 21
1. Wildlife Sanctuary
About 45 minutes away is a large wildlife sanctuary that has bears, lions, coyotes, and more. You get to walk along a walkway that goes over all of these animals. They have so many acres to run and interact with their kind that it is amazing!
2. Releasing butterflies
My 9 year old son received caterpillars for his birthday to raise into butterflies. This past week, they were ready to be released!
This past Sunday I completed the Leadville Silver Rush 50 for the 2nd time. It is the anniversary of becoming an ultrarunner and it was just as much of an adventure as the first time! This go round, I made a ton of new friends on the course, ran in a hail storm, and had the most amazing crew (my wife!). It was also great to see Jamie finish his first ultramarathon and spend time with him and his girlfriend Sarah. Leadville is a pretty incredible place that pushes your limits and helps you realize what you are truly capable of.
4. Lots of talking
This week I spent 9 hours in interviews and meetings with 3 different companies. All of them are amazing opportunities and have great people already on the team! There was an incident that made me chuckle as random person from the past didn’t have a positive recollection of us working together a couple years ago. It made me sad in a way that they were that petty with no reason to be. It also reminded me that anytime you step into a leadership role that you have a target on your back. There will always be a group of people that throw negativity at you because 1) they are jealous, 2) aren’t able to rise to the occasion or 3) it is lazy easy to do. Over the years I have learned that as long as I am making decisions that are for the right reason then I will not let people like that bother me. In fact, I do my best to block them out of my world. There are times that they find their way in, but so don’t pesky bugs no matter how fast you close the door. Best thing to do is slap them down and move on with life. Focus my energy on staying transparent and positive to help more people while they spend their days complaining. I see a whole post around this subject coming in the future …
In the meantime, I always enjoy meeting new people, teams, and being exposed to how companies operate from a learning perspective and this week was no exception! I had the opportunity to talk about my family, professional experience, and ultrarunning in the same conversations and how they all interconnect with one another. If that doesn’t give you insight into who I am, then you need to do some more reading!