Media Missing the Stories
I have had several conversations online and offline about the media and what they cover. It appears the media is more interested in Hollywood and what celebrities are doing wrong. In other words, focusing on…
These are thoughts I have when not running.
I have had several conversations online and offline about the media and what they cover. It appears the media is more interested in Hollywood and what celebrities are doing wrong. In other words, focusing on…
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I read the headlines on my local news website this morning and it read: Several news organizations are reporting Republican presidential candidate and Colorado Congressman Tom Tancredo plans to call it quits in his bid…
Domino's is planning on launching their campaign of 'receive your pizza in 30 minutes or less or it's free' once again. The promise was started by the company in the late 80's and customers expected…
Many Americans believe that there vote in a Presidential election does not count. Take the Bush-Gore chads issue. Plenty of conspiracy theorist point to how Bush was not concerned about the counting as he 'knew'…
There has been a great deal of debate on whether or not the military should torture and what classifies as actual torture. My immediate response is do whatever the hell you have to do to…
As I wrote in a previous post about MLB players calling their lawyers, do you think they waited until the list came out? Roger Clemens found an attorney quite quickly ... From website: After…
Fortune has an article on the top 10 reasons IT won’t support the iPhone ... and I don't care about any of them. Here they are for you to decide: 1 Doesn’t natively support push…