Back on the run
43:00 - 4 miles I took the past 6 days off from running due to being sick. It's amazing how much weight you can lose when all you can eat is toast and drink tea!…
43:00 - 4 miles I took the past 6 days off from running due to being sick. It's amazing how much weight you can lose when all you can eat is toast and drink tea!…
Over the past 2 weeks, I have been logging about 15-20 miles of running. Today I decided to try a 60 minute spin class. Very different. The nice part is that I took the class…
Went out for a short fast run and it was a little shorter then expected. About a mile in my dog, Rocky, seemed to have injured his paw. We turn around to run back and…
37:00 - 4 miles It is interesting when you pick up the pace. For one, you get done running faster, but you also hurt in new places. On Friday I ran this run and still…
34 minutes I have started to gather interest in creating an annual half marathon here in the Frederick/Firestone area. Both mayors are onboard with the idea and then next step would be to pick a…
40:00 - 4 miles I had an idea out on the run today. Why not start and run a Half Marathon for Frederick, Firestone, Dacono? So I have sent off an email to the mayor…
RACE DAY 28:22 - k (3.2 Miles) Beautiful day for a run through rural Ohio! Had a great time and family was there at the finish line to greet me! Took 3 minutes off last…