Diners are Cool
What better to have for lunch then an omlette? Maybe a side of french toast? That was my lunch today ... it is great when you can go somewhere with a group of people that…
What better to have for lunch then an omlette? Maybe a side of french toast? That was my lunch today ... it is great when you can go somewhere with a group of people that…
Take a big picture look at what is happening around you:
I love it that we are using new laws to unearth information about mysterious crashes in the desert 4 decades ago to see if it was a UFO or an alien. Truly, I have to…
While I have moved myself down to one cup of coffee a day, this was an interesting article to read. It talks about the effects caffeine has on your body. Here is one excerpt: Most…
Gardai in Dublin are on the lookout for 36,000 pints of beer stolen from the Guinness brewery. A guy just drove in with a truck and took 180 kegs. Click here to read the story…
CNN has reported that the seasonal favorite Grandma Got Run Over By A Reindeer is dealing with legal issues. The singer of the shows' title has been accused of interfering with the sale of bobbleheads…
An article on AssociatedContent.com, an interesting article about how people that shop on Black Friday spend 40% more then those that shop after Black Friday. Here is an excerpt from the article: Take walmart.com for…
Read an interesting article (click here to read it) about whether or not people are doing what they want or what they should be doing. It was interesting in that I have been having discussions…