Bouncy Castle for adults
Fantastic Four Things Friday – Week Recap No. 30
September 21, 2012 motivation

1. Kids Run Club
This week I had a day where I worked from home so that I could get to the Denver Marathon packet pickup easily. Last week at my kids’ elementary school they started a run club. The goal is to expose kids to running and have them complete a 5k race at the end of October. I was able to join them for their 20-30 minute practice this week. There were about 40 kids there full of energy! After 2 laps around the field, was left with about 9 kids that have energy. The others were sitting in the grass, staring at the clouds, or being goofy. It was a nice reminder of how much focus running actually takes! How did my son do? He ran the most laps of course and learned what the word “pace” means.

2. Bouncy Castles Are Fun For All
This week we went to a 5 year old’s birthday part. There was a jumpy castle. It was about 3 minutes into the party when I announced that I would be playing in the bouncy castle before the end of the party. Sure enough, when the kids were going for cake, I took over! For all the silliness that you can have in a jumpy castle, it is a great workout as well!
Bouncy Castle for adults

3. Running Around Ft. Collins
It is really hard to do what people call “taper” the week of a marathon when you find a network of new trails. I was sprinting up hills over ridges, racing flocks of bugs, and cruising around Dixon Reservoir. An absolute blast with incredible views all around. Looking forward to spending quite a bit more time on those trails!
Foothills Trail in Ft. Collins

ice the foot4. Foot is Improving
If you read my earlier post about my tender left foot, then you know I have been making ice my friend. I know this is not a sign of age, but I clearly landed on the foot wrong at some point. Even as I typed that my foot was improving, I chuckled out loud a bit. My brain knows I am lying to it, but is willing to go along with the game. Hopefully the brain doesn’t play its own little trick on me in tomorrow’s Denver Marathon.


and when it gets tough, always remember:

Think About How Far You Have Come

"1" Comment
  1. Best of luck at Denver, looking forward to reading your report afterwards.

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