Fantastic Four Things Friday – Week Recap No. 5
March 30, 2012 Thoughts on the Run

Well, it hasn’t been much of a week of writing on here for me. This revolves around me ignoring how sick I am and helping as much as possible with a house full of sick people. Oh, the flat tire kind of sucked too.

However … this is the Fantastic things that happened this week!

Deer on the Run1. Ran Mt. Falcon Loop
Originally the plan was to run Kenosha Pass, but looking back it was a blessing to not have done that. I realized towards the end of the run that it was the longest run I had done since the October marathon. That’s kind of dumb to run a mountain 10.5 miles with almost 3,000 feet of elevation gain. It was great to get out there with a buddy at sunrise and climb. We even came across a few deer, snow and tried out the new peanut butter GU. And that peanut butter GU … wow! Not only does it actually taste like peanut butter, but it has a similar texture. So good!

2. Watched Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
We told our 8 year old that if he read the Harry Potter books then he could see the movie … up through the 3rd book. The first book he read in 4 days and second book about the same. He ate them up!

3. Kids on Honor Roll
Our 2 oldest kids that are eligible for honor roll were recognized at a school assembly. Challenge is keeping them from not being bored so that they continue making honor roll 🙂

4. Opportunity Exists
Last week I was expecting some news that didn’t pan out the way I expected. This week brings new opportunity that reminds me everything happens for a reason. I can’t rush where I’m supposed to be, but just keep moving forward towards it.

Quote I made up this week:
Absolutely nothing was perfected on the first try

"1" Comment
  1. Yah, Harry Potter!!  Love that y’all put it to him that way….first you must read then you may watch a movie!  And congrats to the oldest two on the honor roll!

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