Running for Turkey

Running for Turkey


33:00 – 3.1 miles

We are all good at finding excuses for things we don’t want to do. I didn’t get that project done because I had too much to do. I didn’t call you because I was really busy. The kids kept me up all night so I didn’t make it to the game.

Running TurkeyThen we have Thanksgiving were we plan on eating. As they say Valentine’s Day was created by greeting card companies, one could argue Thanksgiving has been driven by grocery stores. After all, we plan, talk, and focus on how much and what we are going to eat for weeks in advance. In my house we have recipes that have been passed down for generations and provide a time to relax. Granted, it can be challenging to relax with 4 kids under the age of 8 that have their own goals for the day.

Back to the excuses point. Thanksgiving is so food driven that we go run a race so that we can eat more. We have an excuse to actually do something that is good for us. While many believe runners a bit crazy (won’t deny that), this day gives them an excuse to join the insane. Getting up early in the morning, normally temps in the 40’s, and go outside to run 3.1 miles. For many, much of it will be walked. It may be the most constant exercise their body experiences for the year. What it does though, is start to give people an excuse to see what it feels like to be healthy. Who knows, it might even plant a seed for the following weeks to have just one less cookies, park a little farther from the office door, or cut back on the soda.

I didn’t participate in an official Turkey Trot this morning. Instead, I created my own by running on the treadmill in the basement while watching the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade on tv. My 4 kids decided to be in the basement as well and present their own challenges. They are like me in that they can’t sit still. Hands in boxes, toys, and markers that should not be taken out. Difficult to run and direct kids what is not safe to be getting into. One trick that I used with them, as I’ve learned when running with other people, ask a lot of open ended questions. This keeps their brain and mouth busy to keep them out of some trouble.

So as we are just finishing our pumpkin pie, we are putting together plans on another created holiday … Black Friday. If anything, running through a store like a NFL linebacker should be considered exercise. Standing outside in the cold weather with hundreds of other thrifty folks builds a community. If we could also include an event on Black Friday to lead to a healthier way of life, we just might be onto something.

Happy Thanksgiving to all!

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