Fox News Needs to Report Fact and Not Opinion
March 29, 2010 Thoughts on the Run

54:00 – 5 miles

These afternoon runs seem to be becoming more regular. Maybe it will kick me back into running early mornings. I’m still not a fan of the crowd at the gym in the afternoons. As the weather gets warmer, it may be time to start doing some outside runs. The biggest challenge that I have with outside running is the wind. Where I live, there is wind. There are the Rocky Mountains, and then there is my neighborhood. So it’s like a wind rollercoaster rolling right into me.

Must say I’m irritated again from watching the news. Tea Party protests turning violent. Last I checked the Constitution said we have a right to a peaceful protest. Trying to drive your opinion and point on someone through violence could quite be considered what a terrorist does. I just need to stop watching the news as the media spends too much time on negativity which is spreads. Focus on the facts and don’t be like Fox News that uses headlines showing our government leaders with taglines “Hostile Takeover.” The government is following the process outlined and if people don’t like it, start a petition to change it or provide new solutions, not just complaints or mindless comments like “it sucks.” Be part of the solution process or shut up.

"1" Comment
  1. Fair & Balanced…..

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